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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Center Objectives

The Research Centre aims at offering aid to teaching staff members, postgraduate students and researchers from within and outside the University and to advance scientific knowledge in all fields through:

  • Encouragement and activation of research in the College of Science.
  • Assistance in promoting and extending scientific research to cover all College Department specialization.
  • Organization and making of cooperative scientific agreements and scientific research work between the College of Science and other research institutions in the Kingdom.
  • Organization of scientific use of advance scientific equipment for public use and employing qualified technical staff for their operation.
  • Contribution in publishing research reports and technology of teaching staff members and any other publications according to the scientific standards set by the Administration Council of Research Centre.
  • Notification of personnel in public and private sectors about the expertise and facilities available in College Department and Research Centre for the purpose of research.
  • Supporting College Postgraduate Students in their research by allocating 25% of Centre Budget for their research.
  • Editing University books by teaching staff members to enhance University Scientific Education.

Duties Offered by the Centre:

There are many duties offered by College of Science Research Centre to encourage scientific research on College and University levels.

The duties are represented by the following:

  1. Offering support and aid to researchers through provision of scientific instruments and materials needed for executing their research which is registered in the centre.
  2. Assisting researchers from teaching staff members and postgraduate students by analyzing their different research samples in the centre, when such technology is not available in the department labs.
  3. Notifying College Staff members about Conferences and Scientific Symposium to participate in it.
  4. Provision of financial expenses needed for urgent research requirements and spare parts which are not available in the University, in addition to repair, maintenance of all electronics used in research.
  5. Follow up of research Projects Progress for registered research in the centre.
  6. Supervision of organizing scientific all obstacles which face research, technically and financially.
  7. Supervision of equipping and operation of College Central lab and Provision of trained staff needed for operation of units and central lab.
  8. Typing registered finished research from researchers primarily and saving reports for future need.  These include also edited books and Translated materials which are closely related to University Subjects, in addition to designing graphs, standard curves to such references.
  9. Assisting teaching staff members and postgraduate students, males and females in submitting research to KACST and payment of research fees.
  10. Assisting staff members in submitting research to SABIC Annual grant and follow their research plus the financial support.
  11. Provision of photos, scientific drawings and data analysis of research results.
  12. Gives scientific advice to researchers for research projects from the Private Sector.
  13. Performs analysis of incoming projects from the Private Sectors and from researchers from outside the Universit
تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:50ص